Production Hubs Outside of Los Angeles and New York

March 16, 2023 | Cat Elliott
Photo Credit: TuckerBlade /

We all know the two big production hubs for film and TV: Los Angeles and New York. But what about their lesser-known counterparts? As an actor, you’ll want to be aware of the various smaller production hubs sprinkled across the U.S., either because you live in or near one of them. Or, if you’re based in Hollywood or the Big Apple, you’d like to get the lay of the land regarding regional markets.

That’s why Casting Networks launched our Production Hubs series. Each article covers one of the major production hubs outside of LA and NYC and will include the casting hierarchies to be found there as well as what’s currently filming.

So, if a show on your target list shoots in one of these areas, this series will help educate you on the casting people you should know. We’ll also list some major studios located in those markets to create a well-rounded picture on the overall industry there.

Wondering which cities made the list? There were many to choose from: Boston, Austin, Portland, Miami and New Orleans, to name a few. Our series will focus on three major players outside of LA and NYC. Atlanta will be featured, being the prize jewel of the Southeast market. Albuquerque is developing into an even bigger secondary market, thanks to Netflix’s 2018 studio acquisition. The Midwest might not be the first region that comes to mind when considering production hubs, but a plethora of shows shoot in Chicago, which will be the third city to be featured in the series.

You’ll have to wait for each city’s article to drop in order to get a more in-depth view of the casting directors there, but here’s a little window into what’s to come with a preview of the first city in the series: Atlanta.

When one thinks about the industry and hears “Atlanta,” the name Tyler Perry comes to mind. The auteur chose the city as the location for Tyler Perry Studios, which produces a substantial number of projects there. Among them is The Haves and the Have Nots, which was filmed just outside of Atlanta in Douglas County, according to IMDb Pro. Kim Coleman casts the series, and while she works in other markets as well, she often collaborates with Perry. Coleman and Perry teamed up on The Single Moms Club as well, another Atlanta-produced project.

Coleman’s upcoming projects include They Cloned Tyrone, which was filmed in Atlanta, according to IMDb. Coleman frequently works with the Atlanta-based casting director Rhavynn Drummer, another name you’ll want to note. But you’ll have to wait for the first article in our Production Hubs series for more info on Atlanta and on Drummer, in particular.

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