Casting Networks® uses cookies to analyze our traffic and to personalize content and ads. We also share information about your use of our website with our social media and web analytics partners.
Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer or other device. They are used by websites like this one to make your experience using our site easier for you, and to allow us to customize our site for you.
The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are necessary for the operation of this site, but requires that we notify you about other, non-essential cookies. When you visit our site we will ask you to consent to any non strictly necessary cookies and other tracking technologies. To manage your cookie preferences at any time you can do so by clicking this Link.
This notification applies to the following domains: and
Web browsers allow you to control whether you accept cookies for some or all websites. You can learn more about how to change your cookie settings for these common browsers by clicking on the following links:
Below is more information about some of the cookies and other tracking technologies that we use across our site, but this list is not exhaustive. For full information please visit our Cookie preference manager.
We use the service Google Analytics to measure our web traffic and how people use our site. You can learn more about Google Analytics’ privacy policies and opt out of Google Analytics cookies here.
We track visitors who come to our site from Facebook’s advertising network with a cookie. You can learn more about Facebook’s privacy policy and opt out of Facebook ad cookies here.
We track visitors who come to our site from Google’s advertising network with a cookie. You can learn more about Google’s privacy policy and opt out of Google ad cookies here.
We track visitors who come to our site from TikTok’s advertising network with a cookie. You can learn more about TikTok’s privacy policy and opt out of TikTok ad cookies here.
We use the service Launch Darkly to serve targeted and personalized content to our users. You can learn more about Launch Darkly’s use of cookies and opt out of Launch Darkly cookies here.
We use the service Braze to serve personalized notifications and content to you, including notifications sent through your browser. You can learn more about Braze’s use of cookies here.
We use the service Heap to measure our web traffic and how people use our site. You can learn more about Heap’s privacy policy and use of cookies here.