Whether you’ve decided to finally pursue your acting dreams, have been in the game for years, or are thinking about getting into showbiz, there’s always something new to learn. And who better to learn from than your peers? We asked actors on Casting Networks, “What advice would you give to someone starting their acting journey?” Here are 10 of our favorite responses:

Remember this is a journey. Enjoy the highs along with the lows. This acting career takes time, practice, money (for classes and training), and lots of “No’s” before you get a “Yes”…. but do not get discouraged if this is truly your passion. Stay focused, determined, and dedicated to your purpose and calling. Your season will come!!!
– Jordyn River, GA

Enjoy the process! New friends, near misses, and sleeping on friend’s couches are all part of the journey. When you look back at your career, these are often some of your fondest moments and they are all an important part of your success and growth as an actor.
– Jayd Swendseid

1. Believe in yourself, and do at least ONE THING EVERY DAY to make moves. Sometimes it is the baby steps that really start to add up.
2. Fail, fail, fail, until you succeed!! Don’t focus on the roles you don’t book, focus on your “what is next!” Believe in yourself and meditate, often focusing on seeing yourself where you want to be. Be accountable for yourself, stay disciplined, and show up.
3. Only take advice from legitimate professionals in the industry. Many people think just because you’re new to the industry that they can give you unsolicited advice, and many times this advice is outdated, incorrect or simply untrue. Don’t listen to someone who tells you they “know better” simply because they are born and raised in Los Angeles, are related to an actor, etc. and be sure to stay in class!
– Suzanne Starr in L.A.

My advice to someone starting their acting journey would be to try everything! Be bold, be confident and just try to absorb as much as you can. Work hard on your craft and have as much fun as possible. Also, set yourself up with the right tools to elevate your self tape game!
– Kenlove S.-O., Spokane, WA

If you are just starting out in acting my advice is to get headshots that look like you, film clips that match your type, and do all you can to get on-set. Submit to short films, student films, independent films, commercials. Even background work is a great place to learn on a professional set and you get paid for it! Last but not least, take classes!!! We should always be teachable and be open to learning. Best of luck and never give up! Leap and the net will appear.
– Betty Ann O., Glendora, CA

Go for background roles to learn the fundamental activity. This allows you to earn while you learn. Ask questions during downtime. Between filming scenes, ask questions of your fellow peers to find out important logistics like where the major studios are located and what travel plans are best to save time. Above all just being respectful and having fun is a great combination for success. In other words, explore creative options, take risks, and be comfortable with failure. If you can do all these things while being respectful of your peers and have fun, then you are an actor’s actor.
– Joshua McLaughlin

Good training gives you tools and confidence for your whole acting career—get lots of it and keep learning. Try many techniques—you will take something valuable from each one. Also, never assume you aren’t right for a role. If you don’t match the breakdown notes, that is none of your business. If casting is seeing you, that’s all that matters, so give your auditions 110%.
– Marlee Walchuk, Vancouver

Be persistent and don’t give up. Don’t let the first few “No’s” knock your confidence. There are many reasons why you may not get a role; most are outside of your control. Be friendly to everyone you meet! It’s a very small industry, and remember the casting director/team wants you to get the role as this makes their job easier.
Where possible learn your lines and be off-book as this will free you up as an actor and allow you to be fully invested and make bold choices.
Finally, once you leave an audition (or submit your self tape), try not to overthink or analyze your performance; you don’t know what the casting team are after and you will use energy that you could be using towards your next audition. Leave it in the room! And move onto the next casting.
– Stephen Stallone, London UK

There is a lot of sacrifice in this career path, if taken seriously, but when you are part of work you care about and hopefully love, the rewards are worth it. Being a freelancer as an actor means lots of ups and downs, but if you are in it for the long haul, opportunity will keep showing up for you as long as you are open to receiving!
– Sophia Gutchinov in NYC

Be nice. Don’t take rejection personally.
Keep acting no matter what happens. Try everything and use what works for you to develop your process. No one has all the answers.
Learn the business of show business. No one’s going to do it for you.
Write your own story personally and professionally. If you don’t, someone else will.
Be serious about your craft, but have fun! It’s not brain surgery!
– Darrell Miller, CA
If you’re new to acting, have been pondering about taking the leap into acting, or just need a little bit of motivation to keep you going, these helpful tips from the Casting Networks community might do the trick. Best of luck to all of you talented performers out there!
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