Preshaping — Acting Tips with Acting Coach Howard Fine

April 13, 2021 | Casting Networks

“If you supply the why, the how takes care of itself.”

Don’t let preshaping and over-preparation let your character get stale. Howard Fine explains how to properly rehearse for a role and release control to allow yourself to be truly present.


About Howard Fine

For over a quarter of a century, Howard Fine has built an unshakeable reputation as the “Best Acting Teacher in Los Angeles”. He is highly sought after by actors, managers, agents, casting directors, producers, and directors, who know his coaching defines careers. Howard has taught thousands of actors, some from the very beginning all the way to the Oscar podium. His roster includes stars such as Will Smith, Brad Pitt, Austin Butler, Kerry Washington, Gal Gadot, Michelle Williams, Justin Timberlake, Chris Pine, Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Salma Hayek, and many more.

His reputation is built on remarkable expertise coupled with a unique gift to push and inspire on a personal level. Howard Fine all but explodes the stereotype of the screaming, bitter acting teacher that potential students fear. Instead, his philosophy reflects that of mentor and close colleague Uta Hagen, and continues in his classes which seek to empower the actor. Howard still teaches his Acting Technique, Scene Study, and Audition courses, and has developed online programs suited to meet the needs of actors everywhere.

Learn more about the Howard Fine Acting Studio:

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