An acting career is filled with many highs and lows. Sometimes, the amount of work coming in is overwhelming, while other times you find yourself languishing in the “Will I ever work again” desert.
You can be doing all the right things (auditioning, updating media, training, etc.) putting yourself out there and you still won’t be able to break through. These times can be incredibly discouraging. However, when you aren’t being given the gigs you want, it can also be a great opportunity to create them yourself.
Take a Creative Detour With Side Projects
If you’ve been hammering away at one thing with no luck, it might be time to try a detour. Side projects such as podcasts can be a great way to channel your energies into something that feels fulfilling and reinvigorating. I know I often have projects, scripts or submissions left unfinished during busy times that I’m always meaning to get back to. The lean times can provide a great space to resurrect these.
If you can’t seem to create your own acting opportunities, try fostering another creative skill. It’s easy to get trapped in the mindset of feeling like a failure if you’re not getting consistent work in your specific niche.
The best part about the arts is being able to wear so many hats. What area of the arts have you always been interested in? Maybe it’s time to try writing, directing, producing or camera work. Learning a new trade as you create your own opportunities can be a great way to make new connections and learn more about yourself as an artist.
Create for Yourself
There is so much pressure on artists to be productive and monetize every craft and hobby. However, creative pursuits that are solely for pleasure are important. When you’re feeling like you’re in a creative rut, you need to reawaken your passion and drive by connecting to what you love. Take the pressure off and do something creative that is just for you.
This is the time to indulge your inner creative child. Sketch, do karaoke, write fanfiction or whatever brings you joy. Whether collaborative or on your own, it can be immensely freeing and inspiring to produce work that is simply fun, free of deadlines or critiques. It might lead you down some interesting roads, or it might just shake things up enough to create some momentum in your career.
Oftentimes, artists are made to feel that any unpaid project isn’t worth their time. And while I do not recommend undervaluing your time and talent, putting energy into creating your own work is not wasted.
The creative fulfillment, success and connections made during these passion projects often lead to unforeseen opportunities. Even if they provide new perspective and confidence, they can be well worth it. Work begets work. Don’t wait for permission to create.
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