5 Strategies to Help You Deal With Audition Rejection
For better or worse, rejections make up an enormous part of any professional actor’s career and happen on a regular basis. Being turned down for roles is something we must all learn to cope with effectively. However, even those with the thickest of skins can find themselves brought down by a continued dry spell, as the negative audition experiences can pile up.
Whether you’re new to the industry or looking for some fresh strategies, here are five tactics to help you cope with audition rejection when the going gets tough.
Divorce Your Career From Worth
We’re kicking it off with the big one! This one is very easy to say and understand, and also incredibly difficult to do. It’s something I still struggle with, but for the sake of your mental health and the sustainability of your acting career, it is critical to cultivate a sense of self-worth that is not defined by artistic output (or the perceived success of that output).
If every rejection feels like an indictment of your talent as an actor or your worth as a person, burnout is right around the corner. I find it especially important to remind myself of this in the auditions and projects I care about.
Remember, at the end of the day, even the best gig is still a job, and you are not your job.
Find Alternate Outlets to Overcome Audition Rejection
If acting is your only artistic outlet and you only engage in it on a professional level, every single audition will feel like it’s do-or-die.
Remember, you are an artist, not just a product. Find ways of engaging in acting and other artistic pursuits that are not dependent on getting hired by others. Work scenes with actor friends, host readings or find artistic hobbies and pursuits that are not acting. When you have a sense of control over your artistry and craft, the rejections will hold less power.
Bonus: When you’re engaging in your craft outside of gigs, you keep your skills fresh and sharp.
Work on Your Rejection Resiliency
Sometimes, no matter how much we tell ourselves how we should feel, we can’t make ourselves feel it. If you’re lacking the tools to separate yourself from your work, if every missed opportunity feels like a kick in the gut, you need more tools to help you bounce back.
If you’re experiencing this predicament, reach out for counseling, therapy or other artists’ resources to help you build that resiliency. Broaden and strengthen your support system so you have people to go to for support when you’re full of doubt. By consciously seeking and practicing ways to help build up your mental health and sense of self-worth outside of acting, you’ll build your resilience and thicken your skin. The more you practice, the better you’ll be able to bounce back after disappointment. After a while, rejection will roll off your back without any acknowledgment and your audition woes won’t stand a chance.
Have a Routine
No matter how much you work on your general resiliency, you’re sometimes going to have a bad day.
Some audition losses will sting more than others. When you get hit with an especially raw one, or when doubt feels overwhelming, it’s important to already have a self-care routine in place. That way you won’t need to come up with one when you’re at your lowest.
Find simple, low-energy things you can do to comfort and empower yourself after experiencing a professional disappointment. Bubble baths, teas, favorite films, reading, listening to a favorite song or album or any other fun activities that come to mind. Make sure you have easy access to whatever works for you so you can jump into your recovery routine at a moment’s notice.
You don’t have to reserve these items for bad days. If they perk you up, you might want to do some of these activities after auditions as well.
Invest in Perspective
Perspective is key to dealing with rejection. It is so easy to feel isolated in this business. At times, it can seem like you’re the only one struggling, especially if you’re constantly seeing other people’s supposed success and holding yourself up against it. Don’t worry. Instead, change your point of view. Here are some examples:
- You made it to the audition! That’s a win!
- You’ve experienced success before, and you will again. Think about how far you’ve come from your early days when acting was only a thought.
- Every experience is a learning experience, see what nuggets you can learn that will serve you on your journey. This mindset can help turn a negative into a positive experience.
- Rejection is a natural part of the acting business, but remember, all successful actors have gone through it. Wear it as a badge of honor!
- This downtime might be the opportunity to recharge or refresh some skills. Consider looking into classes you might want to take or look into some webinars, workshops or other industry events you might like to attend.
Remember, comparison will cripple you. Social media is not an accurate reflection of anyone’s career or personal life. As hard as it may be, we have to remember that this is a numbers game. Every talented actor will experience a certain amount of rejection, and there is no right timeline for when we hit career landmarks. Take a breath, pull back, and keep working.
At the end of the day, give yourself space to be disappointed, and then remember to look ahead. Find the next thing to look forward to and the next goal to work towards. This will likely be a lifelong practice. Learning to be your own best cheerleader will help you stay in the game for the long haul.
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