Understudy Life: How to Hop in With Style

February 22, 2024 | Rachel Frawley
Photo Credit: Nikita Sursin / Shutterstock.com

Understudying is one of those jobs that looks easy when it’s done right, but in reality, is far more challenging than anyone anticipates. You’re often left in charge of your process and called upon to hop in on short notice.

How does an understudy prep for their potential stage time and perform well when needed? Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re taking over for another actor.

Remember Your Primary Function

As tempting as it is to put your spin on everything, remember that your primary function as an understudy is to preserve the structure of what the actor you are understudying brought to the table. This doesn’t mean you should mimic their performance, but you should be consistent with them as far as the nuts and bolts go (blocking, major character arcs, bits with other actors, intentions discussed with the director). You want to be able to hop in and seamlessly slot into place so that the rest of the cast can continue their best work.

The More Prep, the Better

One of the challenges of this job is that you will likely not get much actual rehearsal time. Especially in a non-Equity production (and many times even in an Equity house), you will get little to no real stage time before hopping in. If you’re lucky, you might get put in a rehearsal with the cast, but it’s not guaranteed. This means it’s up to you to prepare yourself. Take extensive notes. Note everything. Write down every nuance of blocking (yours and that of anyone you interact with), and record any notes the director gives the actor you are understudying. If you can record videos of any choreography, do so. Watch as many rehearsals as you possibly can. Thoroughly digest any dramaturgy information given.

Rehearse on Your Feet

Whether at home with a friend, or on the sidelines of the rehearsal space, find a way to get blocking and choreography in your body. If possible, you want to build muscle memory before you’re ever put in for rehearsal or performance. Especially when learning things like fight choreography, I try to mark it through physically on the sidelines as the choreographer is teaching the actor I’m understudying. Your body will remember when your mind is overloaded.

Keep a Good Attitude

Understudying can be very stressful as the call to perform can come at the last minute. It’s easy to let the intensity of the situation overwhelm you, but the calmer, more positive and more professional you are, the more impressive it is. This can also increase your chances of getting hired in the future.

The rest of the cast may be nervous about a new element being thrown into the mix as well. A confident, positive attitude as the new person stands out and keeps you in the right frame of mind when it’s showtime. This is one of those times I would recommend faking it till you make it.

Deliver the Goods

Never accept an understudy gig if you cannot fulfill all of the duties. You need to be available on short notice for any performance in the run. If you know you are not a quick memorizer, reconsider accepting the lead understudy gig. Nothing looks worse than calling in emergency backup that can’t back it up because they haven’t done the work. That’s a quick way to get fired, or at least not re-hired.

Advocate for Yourself

The needs of understudies often go overlooked, so it’s important to be your advocate. Know your contract front to back as well as your strengths and weaknesses.

If you need extra time to learn music or choreography, ask for recordings as soon as possible. If you were promised works you aren’t getting, politely remind someone. Being communicative of your needs is not being whiny or demanding. It’s about making sure the transfer goes as smoothly as possible.

Being an understudy can be a great way to get seen in spaces unfamiliar with your work. Everyone loves a competent understudy. If you can keep your focus on supporting the existing cast while still bringing nuanced and genuine work to the table, understudying can be fulfilling, exciting and a great way to expand your experience and career.

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