ADAA, ADA, and CGA Call for a Rescue Package for the Arts

April 9, 2020 | Casting Networks
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In light of COVID-19’s impact on the arts industry, several organizations in Australia’s arts and entertainment sector are working to obtain a targeted rescue package from the Federal Government through the JobKeeper income subsidy package, which was announced in late March 2020. 


Although small businesses and sole traders have been included within the JobKeeper package, the bill does not currently provide coverage or eligibility for freelancers or those who work from contract to contract. Catherine Poulton, President of the ADAA, points out that “bans on mass gatherings could be one of the last measures lifted.” Because of the creative industry’s financial dependence on live and on-screen events, attention and assistance must be brought to the arts community.


The organizations involved in this call for rescue are Australian Drama Agents Association (ADAA), ADA (Association of Drama Agents in NSW), Casting Guild of Australia (CGA), Australian Writers’ Guild (AWG), Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), Screen Producers Australia (SPA), and Live Performance and Australia (LPA). 


More information on how these bodies are working to invoke change in Australia can be found in the official press release. If you would like to support the ADA, ADAA, CGA, and your fellow arts community in Australia, speak up on social media with the dedicated hashtags #SaveAussieArts, #SaveOurCreators, #LiveSupport, and #NoWorkerLeftBehind.