Meet Isabel Macmaster, the ‘Voices That Give’ Competition Winner

September 15, 2020 | Zorianna Kit
Photo Credit: Alex Vaughan

For Australia-based actor Isabel Macmaster, living and working in Los Angeles has always been the dream. Now, thanks to a submission on Casting Networks®, that chance may come sooner than anticipated. 

In May, Macmaster came across a listing on Casting Networks for an international online talent contest. Titled Voices That Give, it was described as America’s Got Talent meets The X Factor meets Live Aid for orphans and children in foster care. Singer and Hallmark Channel star Jen Lilley was hosting it.

In an exclusive interview with Casting Networks, Macmaster says she has been using the website for many years, and often gets personalized casting suggestions via email based on her chosen criteria. 

“One day, I got an email from Casting Networks suggesting I enter this competition,” recalls the actress. “It had some great prizes and an amazing cause, so I thought, I’m in!”

The prizes in the acting category were hard to resist, especially for someone who lived all the way in Australia. Among them was a walk-on role in one of Lilley’s Hallmark Channel movies and a meeting with Lilley’s talent manager. 

“I’ve lived in Australia my whole life,” said Macmaster. “I’ve been to L.A. for three months at one point, and I loved it so much. To be living and acting there is my dream. So the opportunity to be on an American film set really grabbed me.” 

Over five rounds of competition, which ended in July, Macmaster rose from the top 25 to first place not only in her acting category, but also in overall votes, making her the Grand Prize winner. All thanks to a self-submission. 

Macmaster sees self-submissions on Casting Networks only as a positive, knowing that a tape sent from Australia has the potential of being seen by casting directors and filmmakers as far away as the U.S. or the U.K. If an actor does not have representation in the form of an agent or manager, self-submission on Casting Networks becomes even more important. Additionally, along with her other prizes, she has the opportunity to meet with a Los Angeles-based talent manager.

“The moment I started taking charge was the moment I got so many more opportunities, and everything looked up from then on,” Macmaster said. “It’s so exciting to know that as I will be working on a film set with Jen Lilley, surrounded by all these wonderful creatives.”

If you have a casting success story from using Casting Networks, email and tell us about it. We may end up publishing your story.