How You Can Support and Engage With Your Acting Community to Keep the Arts Thriving

May 9, 2024 | Rachel Frawley
Photo Credit: DavideAngelini /

A career in acting can often feel isolating. Since we are often following individual, self-driven paths, it’s easy to get myopic about it.
That’s why engaging in your artistic community can be incredibly valuable.

Engaging with your community of fellow actors connects you with colleagues and artists from whom you can learn from and swap acting resources with. Connecting with other

performers can motivate and inspire you, and makes the journey less lonely. Plus, supporting your artistic community helps keep the arts alive and thriving.
If you’re searching for ways to start getting more involved with your acting community, here are some tips.

Get Acquainted with Your Local Theatre Scene

Theatre communities can be tough to break into. If you’re in a new city and going in blind, start by going to either opening night or industry night performances. Depending on the city you may have to look these up theater by theater and show by show, especially if you’re unsure where communal information is posted.

These are the nights where you’ll find the most people from the industry in the audience. Getting your face out there and mingling is a good way to network and ease into the local theatre scene. Supporting live theatre is another great way to support the arts in your community.

Attend Local Festivals

Local film festivals are a wonderful way to make connections and get a read on the local indie scene. These are often fun social events, so it’s a great way to connect with other actors, become familiar with local directors and gauge future opportunities to submit work.

Get on Mailing Lists

All those theaters and film fests you’re visiting? They probably have mailing lists! Sign up to stay updated about future events and opportunities to grow your acting career.

Submit Original Content

As you become more educated about your artistic community of actors, you’ll find more opportunities to submit original work. Theaters might host new works festivals for emerging artists, or young playwrights festivals seeking performers. 24-hour film fests, college theatre departments and film schools are also great places to check out for acting opportunities and places to submit content.


Theaters or film festivals often have volunteer opportunities for ushers. This is a great and budget-friendly way to see and support local work. You may also be able to network with fellow performers taking on voluntary usher roles.

Become Familiar with Local Aid Programs

Doing some digging and finding out what local aid programs are supporting actors and artists can be hugely helpful. Not only are these fantastic resources for individual aid and funding, but they can also provide good opportunities to volunteer with and donate to help support your community.

Donate Mindfully

If you’re able to donate even a little, it can go a long way. Be mindful of the institutions you’re supporting with your money and time.
Are they treating their artists well? Are they uplifting and supporting underrepresented voices? Are they making efforts to engage in the community? Choosing where you lend your support can help shape progress in your local arts scene.

Vote with Care

Educating yourself on how local candidates intend to support the arts is impactful, as lots of funding and structural support for the arts comes down to who is in office. Showing up to local elections is showing up for your artistic community.

Remember, you don’t have to do everything all at once. Do what you can when you can. Make individual connections with artists and fellow actors as you engage with and support community events. The more you do it, the more ownership you will feel over the arts scene in your city.

An acting career is built on collaboration. Bringing that energy outside of auditions and rehearsals is a powerful way for artists to support one another and grow.

Looking to get your big break? Sign up or login to Casting Networks and land your next acting role today!

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