When it comes to dressing for self tapes, you don’t need to be in costume. That said, it can be handy to have certain clothing items on hand for auditions.
Keeping a small portion of your closet devoted to auditioning clothes that are kept clean and pressed can save time and worry. Here are some items that could help to have on hand in a pinch.
Items for Basic Commercial and Theatrical Auditions
Before getting into character types, it’s important to have the basics. For commercial auditions, this can be something on the cheerful side in a solid color. Think of it as the “Disney” version of you.
Basic theatrical auditions should have the same idea as commercial auditions with a more serious look. This might mean darker or more muted colors and even longer sleeves. For basic theatrical auditions, you should wear something that makes you feel grounded.
Outfits for the Mom and Dad Type
Having a parental look will go a long way for commercial auditions and day players. Having a solid cardigan or polo you can throw on to look approachable and relatable can suggest the role. You want to look a little conservative.
Pieces for the Flirty or Seductive Type
If it’s in your wheelhouse, having a flirty or vampy look might be something to consider for your self tape. However, it’s a fine line to walk, as you still want to look professional. Hair and makeup can go a long way here.
Clothes for the Dystopian/Gritty Type
Get yourself that grungy gray tank top or sober-worn tee. Having an appropriate jacket (army green, brown or other darker earth tones) might also be a good idea.
The Blue and White Collar Professional Looks
The white-collar look is an easy one to pull off for your self tape. Put it together with a blazer or suit. This can suggest any white-collar professional’s job from a lawyer to a CEO, detective, personal assistant and others.
Blue-collar work is also a simple look to slip into. A nice denim top with sleeves you can roll up can easily transform you into a farmer, hometown waitress, etc.
Selections for the Medical Professional Type
Bring on the medical dramas! If you can get yourself some scrubs, you’re all set. If you don’t have scrubs, a solid color v-neck shirt can suggest a nurse or technician. For extra credit, a lab coat might be good to have on hand if you can find one.
Your Specialty
What is that one weird thing you always get called in for? The school nerd? The vampire/witch/supernatural type? If you have a niche, cater that look for your self tapes. This could be as simple as a pair of glasses.
Regardless of the item, make sure everything fits well and looks good on you. It’s still more important to show yourself off than to have the perfect article of clothing.
Having some versatility in your actor’s closet can help you suggest a character in an instant, and it’s one less thing to worry about when those quick turnarounds come.
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