Coffee With Casting Networks is an educational webinar series we launched to educate our clients on how to best use our unique and cutting-edge casting software. On May 26, Lucky Mackey, Client Success Manager at Talent Systems, demonstrated one of our newest features for casting directors — the ability to Clone Media Requests.
If you were unable to attend the 20-minute session, here’s some of what was covered.
How to clone existing media requests on Casting Networks
1. Click on the project name, then click on Requests
2. Click the “Clone Request” button at the top right of each media request
3. In the pop up window, choose which talent you’d like to include. All info and data from the original request will be carried through to the new request, then select “Clone.”
4. Review and update all details of the cloned request and make any changes needed.
5. Click “Send Cloned Request”
Why cloning media requests is a great feature
Cloning an existing media request is faster and easier than starting from scratch. Instead of copying and pasting similar info from previous requests, cloning brings that previous info directly into the next request where you can edit it if needed. You also can quickly create a new request that includes the same talent or a smaller group, saving you the hassle of manually adding the same talent over and over.
This is a great way for you to quickly send a request for non-disclosure agreements or other required documentation to talent who already have confirmed a media request.
Another scenario where cloning is useful is when the instructions for your media request have changed significantly, or if you need to add or update sides on a role. Cloning the original request is a fast and efficient way to reach the same group of talent with those updated instructions.
For more detailed information, visit our support article: How do I edit/clone a media request?
Keep an eye on your inbox for information about how you can join our next “Coffee with Casting Networks” discussion!