Welcome to the first installment of our new, recurring column covering data insights across the Casting Networks platform and throughout the industry. We want to provide our clients with a closer look at metrics and trends that tell a story about the hard work that casting directors, talent representatives and actors perform each day within our system, and to do this we will be highlighting platform statistics, trends we observe across each user group and more.
Here are some insights into activity on our new platform since its launch in late May 2021:
- Globally, talent representatives have submitted 270,000 talent profiles to casting and sent 24,000 talent invitations to join their roster.
- Casting directors and talent representatives have sent 40,000 chats.
- Casting directors have also sent 6,500 self tape requests, generated more than 12,000 reports and have shared almost 1,000 selects links.
- Nearly 12,000 presentations have been generated by casting directors and 5,000 of those presentations have been downloaded.
- Over 7,000 projects have been released and over 27,000 roles have been posted on the platform.
As you can see, our customers and clients have had a busy few months getting to know the new system! Stay tuned for fresh insights in our next installment.