Casting Guild of Australia Launches Self Tape Library

August 21, 2020 | Casting Networks

Earlier this year, the Casting Guild of Australia (CGA) conducted a survey of current CGA members to gain insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the casting sector. Included in the survey were questions about what the organization could do to engage and support actors through this difficult period.

Based on the survey results, the CGA donated $5,000 to the Actors Benevolent Fund and joined forces with Casting Networks® to create the CGA Self Tape Library. In order to build this library, the CGA called on actors in Australia and New Zealand to submit a self tape while in lockdown, featuring one scene of the actors’ choice. The self tape submissions were facilitated by the Casting Networks Australia team, and all participants were required to have an active, up-to-date Casting Networks account.

We are thrilled to announce that the initiative received over 3,000 tapes from represented and unrepresented talent across Australia and New Zealand. The self tape library is accessible online for CGA members, and the self tapes are divided into categories for ease of viewing, including useful details on age range and location.

David Newman of McSweeney Newman Casting and Casting Guild of Australia President shares, “The CGA Self Tape Library came about at a time when every aspect of the industry was floundering like never before. We needed to find a way we could engage actors in this period of immense uncertainty and try to provide some hope as all of Australia and New Zealand were in a hard lockdown. The response was amazing and bigger than any of us had anticipated, and over the following weeks we received thousands of tapes. The initiative ended up helping to create a sense of community between actors, agents and casting directors. The end result has already proven itself to be a unique and valuable resource as production restarts. CGA members are loving it.”

Casting Networks was honored to work with the CGA on this initiative, and we are proud to provide a resource to casting directors and ​actors during this challenging time for our industry, and for the entire world.

Make sure to follow ​@castingguildaust​ and ​@castingnetworksau​ to stay up to date on entertainment news and future initiatives.