6 Ways to Stay Sharp During Downtime

April 14, 2020 | Rachel Frawley

It’s a difficult time globally, but navigating isolation in a field that depends on the involvement and collaboration of others can pose some special challenges. So many actors and artists have lost work, seen auditions dry up, and are struggling for creative outlets in a time when we feel cut off from our careers. The good news is, there are always ways to work on our craft, even in total lockdown! Here are some things you can do to keep yourself sharp while you’re waiting for the gates of society to open back up.


Catch Up on Acting Theory

That Uta Hagen book that’s been collecting dust on your bookshelf? Now is the time to crack that puppy open. Read everything you can—plays, screenplays (many are available in digital format!), actor biographies, books on acting, all of it. Use your downtime to work out your mind and absorb some new perspectives.


Study the Greats

Stay home with classic performances you never got around to studying before! So many classic films are available on streaming platforms, and now is the time to visit or revisit the greats. Many resources are opening up that were not available before. Some Broadway shows and theatrical film releases are now available in home. Take advantage of limited offers like these to absorb acting you might not be able to otherwise experience. 


Seek Out Online Coaching

Brush up on those monologues, scenes, and audition material you’ve been too busy to work on. Many acting coaches, dialect coaches, and voice coaches will be willing to give lessons or feedback online.


Start New Projects

What is that one thing you’ve always wanted to incorporate into your career? Writing? Puppetry? A new instrument? Use downtime to pour yourself into a new venture. Produce your own work. Learn a new skill. 


Connect with Friends

Maybe you can’t collaborate in person, but FaceTime, WebEx, Zoom, Facebook Messenger, and so many other options give you the power to connect virtually with your colleagues and friends. You can plan a new project together or coach each other on new material. Start a screenplay reading book club. Swap ideas and inspire each other.


BONUS: Create a Routine

Make sure you carve out time every day to work creatively. It’s easy to let skills rust in unconventional times. It’s easy to feel alone, disconnected, and depressed. But the silver lining is that we really are all in this together. Artists are getting creative about producing work, sharing stories, sharpening skills. Connect to the community and let your voice be heard.


Stay safe, make art, wash your hands! Hang in there, fellow artists. We’ve got this.

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