10 Questions With David Waldron & Stephanie DeCourcey of Waldron Casting

February 1, 2021 | Alexa Amin

Photos Courtesy of Stephanie DeCourcey and David Waldron, featuring Stephanie DeCourcey and David Waldron

Casting Networks® caught up with David Waldron and Stephanie DeCourcey of Waldron Casting. David and Stephanie explain their journey working in casting, some of their career highlights and what excites them about the future of casting. 

1. What inspired you to go into casting?

David: I actually never thought about casting, but rather wanted to be an actor. Sadly, no one wanted to cast me so I thought well, maybe get a job in casting. So I applied for casting assistant and intern positions and the rest is history. 

Stephanie: I fell into it when I moved to New York City.  I went to school for film and loved working with actors.

2. What was your first job in casting (or in the industry if you started in a different field)?

David: I was hired as an intern at Grant Wilfley Casting and within a few months was hired full time as a casting assistant. The first project that I assisted on was “The Stepford Wives.” I still remember getting up at 2:30 am to be at a 4:30 am bus to check in the actors and then head to the set in Connecticut. Talk about a star-studded set for my first project. 

Stephanie: Assisting a Producer in Los Angeles.

3. What is a career highlight of yours?

David: Meeting Robin Williams on the set of “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.” Not to mention, the scene was a pillow fight. 

Stephanie: Working with Richard Gere on “Time Out of Mind” and he personally called to thank me for my work.

4. If you could go back, what would you tell yourself on your first day on the job?

David: I would say “Enjoy the moments and don’t sweat the big stuff. This job is not worth a panic attack.”

Stephanie: “You can only control so much; a lot about film and tv is minute by minute.”

5. What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of work?

David: I love baking and hosting parties. Sadly, not hosting too many parties during the pandemic. However, I have been dabbling in mixology, taken a few online classes during quarantine and have started to volunteer my time with a rescue agency fostering dogs. On a nice fall day, I like a nice hike as well. 

Stephanie: My dogs, SoulCycle, Pilates, ice skating and reading.

6. If you could describe yourself as a television or movie character, who would you pick and why?

David: Ally McBeal from the FOX series “Ally McBeal.” I find at times, like Ally, that during meetings or conversations I envision what I would rather be doing or saying and then snap out of it. And yes, I have seen the dancing baby on numerous occasions. Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga. 

Stephanie: Hmmm… I feel like I could be a combination of many. My favorite shows are “Friends” and “Schitt’s Creek!”

7. What was the last film you saw?

David: “Soul” on Disney+.

Stephanie: “Wizard of Oz.” 

8. Do you have a quote or mantra that you live by?

David: Live every day like a new day to impress.

Stephanie: The way you do anything, is the way you do everything.

9. If you could have lunch with anyone, present or past, who would you pick?

David: Tom Hanks. I love him as an actor and his projects never disappoint. I also love how real he is and how much of a family man he is. I feel like he is the type of guy that you would be working with and would invite him to your BBQ and he would show up with a case of beer and a side dish. 

Stephanie: Kamala Harris.

10. What excites you about the future of your profession? 

David: We have spent the last 6 months casting remotely and it has been interesting to see how the TV and film industry has had to adapt in the wake of this pandemic. We have discovered that we can film in under 15 hours and that we can simplify and streamline. So, I am looking forward to seeing how we can expand on these skills once we enter a COVID-free world. 

Stephanie: Scripts for television and film keep getting better!