Non Verbal Autistic Child - Letterboard User

The Hill

$500 Rate for the Pilot Man, Woman, Non-Binary Person, Trans Man, Trans Woman
Pilot Seattle Portland Spokane Boise Phoenix Denver Salt Lake City Las Vegas Albuquerque Reno Los Angeles San Diego Anchorage Honolulu Washington DC Baltimore Richmond Chicago Detroit Minneapolis Cleveland St. Louis Kansas City MO Milwaukee Cincinnati Indianapolis Philadelphia Boston Pittsburgh Providence San Francisco Sacramento Atlanta Tampa Miami Orlando Charlotte Nashville Jacksonville Charleston Dallas Houston San Antonio Austin Oklahoma City New Orleans San Juan New York City Buffalo Memphis Louisville

About the Job

This is a very unique, rare and special casting call. We are seeking REAL non-verbal autistic children and their parents for an unprecedented television show featuring the inner voice of non verbal autistic children to share with the world. YOU MUST CONFIRM IN NOTES THAT YOUR CHILD IS A NON-VERBAL AUTISTIC CHILD TO BE CONSIDERED. The the projects seeks to expand the reach of non verbals allowing to share more of their thoughts and ideas. Parents: we are looking for those who have a feeling or knowing tha their non verbal children are able to understand their thoughts and are able to use the letter board to communicate or are in the process of learning how to use the letter board.

Please call Tiffany Persons directly at 310-266-9223 with any additional questions.

Due Date


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Job Overview

Rate $500 Rate for the Pilot
Gender Man, Woman, Non-Binary Person, Trans Man, Trans Woman
Age 10-25
Union Non Union
Role Type Principal
Due Date 22/02/2025

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